I always refused to believe that writing about movies, sex, cooking, men and being twenteen was any less worthy than writing plays or reading Shakespeare; after all everything has its place! I love to write, so I did an English degree. Several billion essays later I’ve just graduated. Rhian Williams BA :) I’m hoping some wonderful magazine will call me one day and tell me to get my Bridget arse down to work for them! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed. I love words and the art of words! I deeply respect intelligence, people who have got the guts to have their own opinion! I enjoy my walls full of pictures, rude-ness, gig tickets, photos and junk, my princess bed and shite oven. I am easy like Sunday morning, I’m an old fart at heart and love long walks, sunrises... and sunsets and a place to call your own. Bad manners, chauvinism and inability to use “the” instead of “da” are all unforgiveable sins.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Tueday at Men's Health Tower.
The office is situated in such a lovely place, on a cobbled street right in the heart of Soho and just a street away from the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street. There are red phone boxes and trees mixed right in with the uber modern buildings, coffee shops and Champers bars.
I loved that the street was always full of black cabs, I learnt pretty quick that they'd rather run me down than let me cross the street...
The third article I was writing was about finding sex online. So, i'm sat as the 'newbie freelancer' checking out some of the naughtiest full kink on webpages out there. What doesn't help is that i'm on the designers Mac meaning the screen is indeed the size of my house.
I loved writing this article as it was something the webpage hadn't seen before.
As we are the technological age I was responsible for updating the mags Twitter page (something i logged onto once and thought so utterly twatty that I abandoned in a huff...hmm) So, I suggested a Facebook page, which Men's Health do not have yet (official anyway!) So I spent the morning uploading articles, info, subscription details and links to the web page! We have had a lot of members already, and I have taken on the responsibility of updating it from home.
I was very sad to leave the offices on the third day. I couldn't see myself at that kind of mag full time, I think having a passion about health/fitness/muscle building is a must...and I like my doughnuts too much. However, I am going to ask to do some more lifestyle articles, men always want to know about sex, relationships and clothes don't they!
Wonderful experience and I'd do it all over again!
My second day at Men's Health

Saturday, 8 August 2009
If you don’t like the soppy or sentimental here’s the time to fill your eyes and ears with cotton wool.
6am- Immediately thought I should change my alarm ring tone from Bloc Party "This is a brand new problem...a problem without..".
9:15 Sat in the window of Pret with the hugest vat of morning tea and a chocolate brownie, watching everyone walking by. Don't think MH would approve of my choice of breakfast. :)
The team, and A who is looking after me is lovely! Welcoming, wonderful and so much more relaxed than I ever expected. I was set to work on 7 pitches, 3 of them were picked as articles to be written, one per day.
The first I was set to was a piece on men's mascara. Tricky, sticky situation if not done properly!
By the end of the day I had been shown lots of photo shop tricks, written my first piece and generally familiarised myself with the office quirks and foibles..Thursday, 6 August 2009