I often write for Mookychick! This is a fantastic webpage and Madga Knight the owner said I "write what other people do but SO.MUCH.BETTER".
Chocolate and incompetence, without both my life wouldn't be worth living.
I always refused to believe that writing about movies, sex, cooking, men and being twenteen was any less worthy than writing plays or reading Shakespeare; after all everything has its place! I love to write, so I did an English degree. Several billion essays later I’ve just graduated. Rhian Williams BA :) I’m hoping some wonderful magazine will call me one day and tell me to get my Bridget arse down to work for them! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed. I love words and the art of words! I deeply respect intelligence, people who have got the guts to have their own opinion! I enjoy my walls full of pictures, rude-ness, gig tickets, photos and junk, my princess bed and shite oven. I am easy like Sunday morning, I’m an old fart at heart and love long walks, sunrises... and sunsets and a place to call your own. Bad manners, chauvinism and inability to use “the” instead of “da” are all unforgiveable sins.
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