I always refused to believe that writing about movies, sex, cooking, men and being twenteen was any less worthy than writing plays or reading Shakespeare; after all everything has its place! I love to write, so I did an English degree. Several billion essays later I’ve just graduated. Rhian Williams BA :) I’m hoping some wonderful magazine will call me one day and tell me to get my Bridget arse down to work for them! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed. I love words and the art of words! I deeply respect intelligence, people who have got the guts to have their own opinion! I enjoy my walls full of pictures, rude-ness, gig tickets, photos and junk, my princess bed and shite oven. I am easy like Sunday morning, I’m an old fart at heart and love long walks, sunrises... and sunsets and a place to call your own. Bad manners, chauvinism and inability to use “the” instead of “da” are all unforgiveable sins.

My writing will grip being young, free, full of wine, covering life, death and all the idiosyncrasies in between! I love honest writing, from the heart...

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Sending e-mails asking huge magazines to employ a lowly student doesn't normally work; however out of the zillion I sent one wonderful magazine did get back to me offering me an interview. I was stunned, excited, stunned and then bricking it.

My granny always says "You don't ask you don't get". Them old'uns know a thing or two, don't they?

The role is editorial contributor for Men's Health. I'll be joining them in old Landaan Taan (without the attempt at and Nooorf Landan accents I might add) on Friday the 7th of August.

Now, I'm not holding up much hope for this, it is only my second experience in the editorial environment so I'm going to give it 100% and take everything I can from it!

I have been reading and re-reading the work specification sent through from A, the lovely lady who will be my boss for the length of my interview. I'm familiarising myself with the website constantly, have signed up for their e-mail newsletters and have been reading the constant stream of forum updates; it seems they have a very lively group of regulars.

Their offices are right in central London, so should be much easier to find than those of Front, who were hidden away in a mystical street I'm sure even Santa can't locate.

During my time there they have offered to buy three pieces of work off me; one per day and I'm ecstatic about this! I sincerely hope my noggin can keep up with my enthusiasm and I can really impress them!

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